IBM introdued MQ or Database as SOA service in IIB.This is available in earlier versions of WMB as supportpac.
This includes two things :
· An IRI Specification defining addresses for referencing WebSphere MQ queues and topics in a way similar to URL Web addresses.
· A WSDL Binding Specification defining extensions for WSDL that describe WebSphere MQ applications, including its connections, the queues or topics it uses, its message exchange pattern (request-response or one-way) and the quality of service and message formats it uses.
Why MQ or Database services can be used as SOA services?Whats the benefit?
· Architects can catalogue MQ/DB applications in a standard way as they are specified in WSDL
· MQ/DB applications can be extended to Webservice stack. These specifications will enable them to write a WMQ/DB service implementation that will interoperate with other WMQ/DB service implementations.
· Use the Service Definitions to aid the development, management and monitoring of WebSphere MQ/DB applications, particularly where tools exist that take advantage of these specifications
· Helps in dynamic invocation
Now,lets create a MQ service and use it in a message flow,
1)Select MQ Service in File->New
2)After creating MQ service,a screen open for MQ service to fill in all the details
3)Provide MQ details to test the connectivity with MQ QueueManager
4)Next step is to choose,whether we are going for One-way or Req-Res modal ,and what are the queues we are selecting
5)Next is to choose ,MQ header information as below,
If we are selecting only one-way,then only Request MQ headers are sufficient to be fillied up
6) Now,we can choose the messagetypes for input messages by first having the messageset in the MQ service folder itself so that it gets referred in the Input (Use XML schema elements àOpen file)
7)Now drag and drop the newly created MQService to the MQInput node.We can now see that all the properties defined in MQ Service gets reflected in the MQInput node’s properties.