
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

DB2 Client Installation on Linux SUSE Linux Enterprise Server & DSN Setup

DB2 Client Installation on Linux SUSE Linux Enterprise Server & DSN Setup

1.     Download the DB2 client v10.1fp5_linuxx64_client.tar.gz from below link.

i.                 Use your IBM ID & password to get the DB2 server client software.

2.     Pre-requisite before installation of DB2 client into Linux 64 Bit Suse Linux Enterprise server 10.3.

i.                 Check the operating system compatibility.

ii.                For DB2 client installation, /opt/ibm & /tmp filesystem should be 1 to 2 GB free.

iii.               Verify the Library files.

iv.               Verify the Kernel parameters. If needed then change the kernel parameters in /etc/sysctl.conf file.

v.                Below are the kernel parameters which are already fulfilled for DB2 client installation.

3.     Copy the v10.1fp5_linuxx64_client.tar.gz file, wherever you have free disk space.

I have copied into /MQHA/BDBKRD01/wmb path.

Execute the below command for gunzip & then extract the tar file which will create client folder as shown below.

/usr/bin/gunzip v10.1fp5_linuxx64_client.tar.gz
tar –xvf v10.1fp5_linuxx64_client.tar

Go to client folder.

4.     You can check the DB2 client pre-requisite by using following command.
./db2prereqcheck -c -v

5.     There are 4 types of DB2 client installation but we have used the response file installation method for DB2 client.

i.                 You can take the copy of sample response file (/MQHA/BDBKRD01/wmb/client/db2/linuxamd64/samples/db2client.rsp) & keep it in another folder (/MQHA/BDBKRD01/wmb/client/db2client.rsp) as well as update it with accept the license.

ii.                Installation of DB2 client with Response file installation method by using root ID. Execute the below command

db2setup -r /MQHA/BDBKRD01/wmb/client/db2client.rsp -l /MQHA/BDBKRD01/wmb/client/db2setup_eimb.log -t /MQHA/BDBKRD01/wmb/client/db2setup_eimb.trc

You can verify the logs & trace files of DB2 client installation.
                              NOTE:- DB2 client & drivers will be installed in /opt/ibm/db2/V10.1 path.

iii.               Once you installed DB2 client by using root ID, then db2inst1 User ID & db2iadm1 group ID will get create by default.
iv.               You can work with unix team & set the password for db2inst1 user ID. For example password of db2inst1 User ID is Start123

6.     DB2 Validation.

i.                 Login to server with db2inst1 user ID & execute the below commands.

db2level :- verify the DB2 client installation version.
               db2val :- db2 validation.

7.     Installed the DB2 Client licenses.
You need to contact to IBM DB2 team to buy the license. We have purchased below one.
IBM DB2 Connect 10.1 Unlimited Edition for System i Quick Start and Activation Multiplatform Multilingual        CI6N8ML         db2consv_is.lic

i.                 db2licm is the command which we used to add the license.
eimb@j700s013:/MQHA/BDBKRD01/wmb/client/db2/license> db2licm -a db2consv_is.lic
LIC1402I  License added successfully.
LIC1426I  This product is now licensed for use as outlined in your License Agreement.  USE OF THE PRODUCT CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THE IBM LICENSE AGREEMENT, LOCATED IN THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORY: "/opt/ibm/db2/V10.1/license/en_US.iso88591"
ii.                Get the db2 licenses details.

eimb@j700s013:/MQHA/BDBKRD01/wmb/client/db2> db2licm -l
Product name:                     "DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for iSeries"
License type:                     "Client Device"
Expiry date:                      "Permanent"
Product identifier:               "db2consv"
Version information:              "10.1"

iii.               Add the db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar file in /home/db2inst1/sqllib/java path.
iv.               Export /home/db2inst1/sqllib/java/db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar path in CLASSPATH variable.
v.                Export /opt/ibm/IE02 path in IE02_PATH variable.

8.     DB2 commands, Driver configuration & connection setup

i.                 Configure the db2 driver. Go to /opt/ibm/db2/V10.1/cfg path & update the db2dsdriver.cfg file with below details.

vi.               Create the connection with DB2 Database by using following commands.

eimb@j700s013:/opt/ibm/db2/V10.1/bin> db2 catalog tcpip node NANTESD remote DEV.CG.EU.JCI.COM server 446

eimb@j700s013:/opt/ibm/db2/V10.1/bin> db2 catalog database S4427047 at node NANTESD

eimb@j700s013:/opt/ibm/db2/V10.1/bin> db2 connect to S4427047 user UNITYUSR using UnItY15

db2 list database directory

9.     WMB DSN Setup.

i.                 Work with unix team & asked them to add eimb user ID in db2iadm1 group ID as well as add dbinst1 user ID in mqbrkrs group ID.

ii.                Login to sever with your global ID & then sudo with eimb user ID. Add the below command in eimb profile file (/home/eimb/.profile).

# DB2 Profile
. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile

iii.               Once above both the things completed successfully then you can execute the DB2 commands by eimb user ID.

iv.               Go to /var/mqsi/odbc path & update .odbc.ini file with below details & execute the commands as shown below.

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