
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Using the mqsireportproperties command in IBM Integration Bus or WebSphere Message Broker for a single message flow


How can I use mqsireportproperties command in IBM Integration Bus (IIB) or WebSphere Message Broker (WMB) to get information for a single message flow?

Resolving the problem

MessageFlow is a valid reportable entity name for the -o parameter, but the mqsireportproperties command does not have the functionality to allow the specifying of a message flow or uuid. Therefore it is not possible to request the properties for just a single message flow.
For example: If you try to run the following command:
mqsireportproperties <brokername> -e <EGname> -o MessageFlow -r

You would see the exception: BIP2330E MessageFlow does not exist

As a workaround you could put one message flow in the execution group. Then report the properties for all messages flows in the execution group with the following commands:

mqsireportproperties <brokername> -e <EGname> -o AllMessageFlows -a
mqsireportproperties <brokername> -e <EGname> -o AllMessageFlows -r

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