
Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Setup for WSRR Connectivity

Most services will need WSRR connectivity from IIB:

1)     Execute this mqsichangeproperties command to assign the
WSRR endpointAddress:

Mqsichangeproperties IIBNODE -c ServiceRegistries -o DefaultWSRR -n endpointAddress -v https://xyzs.com:9444/WSRR8_0/services/WSRRCoreSDOPort

2)     Execute this mqsichangeproperties command to assign the WSRR username and password:

mqsisetdbparms IIBNODE -n DefaultWSRR::WSRR -u User -p pwd

3)     Execute this mqsireportproperties command to view your WSRR registry parameters:

mqsireportproperties IIBNODE -c ServiceRegistries -o DefaultWSRR –r

4)     Ececute this mqsicreateconfigurableservice command to create a TRCommon UserDefined Configurable Service Property to store the WSRR URL in DEV:

mqsicreateconfigurableservice IIBNODE -c UserDefined -o TRCommon -n "WSRR_URL" -v https://xyz.com:9444/WSRR/8.5/Metadata/XML/Query/EndpointLookup

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