
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Configuring DSN for IBM Integration Bus in Fedora for Oracle

Configuring DSN for IBM Integration Bus in Fedora for Oracle

I had a very troubling time setting up a DSN for IIB in Fedora. To make sure that others don't have to waste a precious weekend and long time on this rather menial subject I thought I would document it for all.

Assumption :- The software is installed at the location - /opt/ibm/mqsi/

Here are the steps -

  • A sample odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini file are in the 'install_dir/ODBC/unixodbc/' in my case it is /opt/ibm/mqsi/ Copy the files to /var/mqsi/odbc directory. 
           cp /opt/ibm/mqsi/ /var/mqsi/odbc/odbc.ini
           cp /opt/ibm/mqsi/ /var/mqsi/odbc/odbcinst.ini

  • Change the owner of the files to mqm:mbrkrs using the following command

           chown mqm:mqbrkrs /var/mqs/odbc/odbc.ini
           chown mqm:mqbrkrs /var/mqs/odbc/odbcinst.ini

  • Open the '/var/mqsi/odbc/odbc.ini' file. Copy the following lines and paste them just above the copied part- 
           ;# Oracle stanza
           Driver=<Your Broker install directory>/ODBC/V7.0/lib/UKora26.so
           Description=DataDirect 7.0 ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol
           HostName=<Your Oracle Server Machine Name>
           PortNumber=<Port on which Oracle is listening on HostName>
           ServiceName=<Your Oracle Service Name>

           Make the changes as follows for your DSN. In my case I create a DSN as XE for my XE database. The                driver path may be different as per your installation.


           Not to forget, at the end of the file mention the install directory.

           UseCursorLib=0           IANAAppCodePage=4

           Save the file.
  • Download the IE02 support pac from the following location - http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24026935 . In my case I used the 64 bit version 2.0.1 and the file name is 'ie02_amd64_linux_2.tar'. Extract the archive file and it create a folder-in my case 'amd64_linux_2'- that will contain 'install-ie02.bin' file. Run the .bin file and install it. I had it installed in the location '/opt/ibm/IE02'
  • Now that we have all the files in place we need to setup some environment variables in the .profile file of the user that would control the broker runtime. I have the following variables added to end of my .bash_profile 

           export ODBCINI=/var/mqsi/odbc/odbc.ini
           export ODBCSYSINI=/var/mqsi/odbc/
           export IE02_PATH=/opt/ibm/IE02/2.0.1/

    • Use the mqsisetdbparms command to associate the user id and password to the ODBC. The following example command will prompt you for the password and then set the user id and password -
               mqsisetdbparms WBRK9 -n XE -u system
    • Restart the broker to allow it to absorb the setting and then issue the command to check if the broker runtime can access the DSN. 
              mqsicvp -n XE -u system -p yourpassword

    If the command runs with success you should see the output of the command as follows - 

               BIP8290I: Verification passed for the ODBC environment. 

    BIP8270I: Connected to Datasource 'XE' as user 'SYSTEM'. The datasource platform is 'Oracle', version '11.02.0000 Oracle'. 
    databaseProviderVersion      = 11.02.0000 Oracle
    driverVersion                = 07.01.0097 (B0099, U0067)
    driverOdbcVersion            = 03.52
    driverManagerVersion         = 03.52.0002.0002
    driverManagerOdbcVersion     = 03.52
    databaseProviderName         = Oracle
    datasourceServerName         = localhost
    databaseName                 = N/A
    odbcDatasourceName           = XE
    driverName                   = UKora26.so
    supportsStoredProcedures     = Yes
    procedureTerm                = PL/SQL
    accessibleTables             = Yes
    accessibleProcedures         = Yes
    identifierQuote              = "
    specialCharacters            = None
    describeParameter            = Yes
    schemaTerm                   = User Name
    tableTerm                    = Table
    sqlSubqueries                = 31
    activeEnvironments           = 0
    maxDriverConnections         = 0
    maxCatalogNameLength         = 128
    maxColumnNameLength          = 30
    maxSchemaNameLength          = 30
    maxStatementLength           = 0
    maxTableNameLength           = 30
    supportsDecimalType          = Yes
    supportsDateType             = No
    supportsTimeType             = No
    supportsTimeStampType        = No
    supportsIntervalType         = No
    supportsAbsFunction          = Yes
    supportsAcosFunction         = No
    supportsAsinFunction         = No
    supportsAtanFunction         = No
    supportsAtan2Function        = No
    supportsCeilingFunction      = Yes
    supportsCosFunction          = Yes
    supportsCotFunction          = No
    supportsDegreesFunction      = No
    supportsExpFunction          = Yes
    supportsFloorFunction        = Yes
    supportsLogFunction          = Yes
    supportsLog10Function        = Yes
    supportsModFunction          = Yes
    supportsPiFunction           = No
    supportsPowerFunction        = Yes
    supportsRadiansFunction      = No
    supportsRandFunction         = No
    supportsRoundFunction        = Yes
    supportsSignFunction         = Yes
    supportsSinFunction          = Yes
    supportsSqrtFunction         = Yes
    supportsTanFunction          = Yes
    supportsTruncateFunction     = Yes
    supportsConcatFunction       = Yes
    supportsInsertFunction       = Yes
    supportsLcaseFunction        = Yes
    supportsLeftFunction         = Yes
    supportsLengthFunction       = Yes
    supportsLTrimFunction        = Yes
    supportsPositionFunction     = No
    supportsRepeatFunction       = Yes
    supportsReplaceFunction      = Yes
    supportsRightFunction        = Yes
    supportsRTrimFunction        = Yes
    supportsSpaceFunction        = Yes
    supportsSubstringFunction    = Yes
    supportsUcaseFunction        = Yes
    supportsExtractFunction      = No
    supportsCaseExpression       = No
    supportsCastFunction         = No
    supportsCoalesceFunction     = No
    supportsNullIfFunction       = No
    supportsConvertFunction      = Yes
    supportsSumFunction          = Yes
    supportsMaxFunction          = Yes
    supportsMinFunction          = Yes
    supportsCountFunction        = Yes
    supportsBetweenPredicate     = Yes
    supportsExistsPredicate      = Yes
    supportsInPredicate          = Yes
    supportsLikePredicate        = Yes
    supportsNullPredicate        = Yes
    supportsNotNullPredicate     = Yes
    supportsLikeEscapeClause     = Yes
    supportsClobType             = No
    supportsBlobType             = No
    charDatatypeName             = CHAR
    varCharDatatypeName          = VARCHAR2
    longVarCharDatatypeName      = CLOB
    clobDatatypeName             = N/A
    timeStampDatatypeName        = N/A
    binaryDatatypeName           = RAW
    varBinaryDatatypeName        = RAW
    longVarBinaryDatatypeName    = BLOB
    blobDatatypeName             = N/A
    intDatatypeName              = NUMBER
    doubleDatatypeName           = BINARY_DOUBLE
    varCharMaxLength             = 0
    longVarCharMaxLength         = 0
    clobMaxLength                = 0
    varBinaryMaxLength           = 0
    longVarBinaryMaxLength       = 0
    blobMaxLength                = 0
    timeStampMaxLength           = 0
    identifierCase               = Upper
    escapeCharacter              = \
    longVarCharDatatype          = -1
    clobDatatype                 = 0
    longVarBinaryDatatype        = -4
    blobDatatype                 = 0

    BIP8273I: The following datatypes and functions are not natively supported by datasource 'XE' using this ODBC driver: Unsupported datatypes: 'DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL, CLOB, BLOB' Unsupported functions: 'ACOS, ASIN, ATAN, ATAN2, COT, DEGREES, PI, RADIANS, RAND, POSITION, EXTRACT, CASE, CAST, COALESCE, NULLIF' 
    Examine the specific datatypes and functions not supported natively by this datasource using this ODBC driver.  
    When using these datatypes and functions within ESQL, the associated data processing is done within IBM Integration Bus rather than being processed by the database provider.  
    Note that "functions" within this message can refer to functions or predicates. 

    BIP8071I: Successful command completion. 

    References -



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