
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Tracing mapping node activity

Do you ever wanted to know what's happening in your mapping node.

This is related to the new mapping node introduced in WMB 8.

The debugger doesn't allowed you (for the moment?) to step into your mapping node. There is a way however to know what the broker is doing. Use the "User trace".

Say that your broker is MB8BRK and the execution group "default" and your flow that has a mapping node is deployed on this execution group.

execute the command:

mqsichangetrace MB8BRK -e default -u -l debug -r

-u state that it is a user trace
-l it is the level
-r is to reset your trace
more info at the infocenter

Send a message through your mapping node. The broker will produce a binary trace.
To read this trace execute the following command:

mqsireadlog MB8BRK -u -e default -o myXMLTrace.xml

This command will produce a xml file from the binary.
To have in a human readable format use the following command:

mqsiformatlog -i myXMLTrace.xml -o myTxtTrace.txt

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