
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Websphere IIB record and replay

You will find in this post the commands that is necessary to configure the Integration Bus to record and replay the events generated by the flows.

Even though all the following information is available in the knowledge center, I found sometime difficult to find out all the necessary commands to be executed.


Integration server

Integration Node name: <INName>
Integration Server name: <ISName>
IIB Queue Manager name: <IIBQMgrName>

Configurable Service

    Data capture store name. Configuration to define the database to be used: <DCStoreN>
DataCaptureSource name. Configuration to define the event source: <DCSourceN>
Data Destination Name: configuration used to define the queue where the message will be send when using the replay mechanism: <DDName>
Queue name used to send back the data: <ReplayQName>

Database configuration

ODBC Database DSN: <DSN>
Table Schema used to store the IIB events: <IIBSchema>
User/password for accessing the database under the schema <IIBSchema>: <DBUsr>/<BDPwd>


Create configurable services for IIB

1. DataCaptureSource
mqsicreateconfigurableservice <INName> -c DataCaptureSource -o <DCSourceN> -n dataCaptureStore,topic -v <DCStoreN>,"$SYS/Broker/<INName>/Monitoring/#"
2. DataCaptureStore
mqsicreateconfigurableservice <INName> -c DataCaptureStore -o <DCStoreN> -n backoutQueue,commitCount,commitIntervalSecs,dataSourceName,egForRecord,egForView,queueName,schema,threadPoolSize,useCoordinatedTransaction  -v "SYSTEM.BROKER.DC.BACKOUT","10","5",<DSN>","<ISName>","<ISName>","SYSTEM.BROKER.DC.RECORD","<IIBSchema>","10","false"
3. DataDestination
mqsichangeproperties<INName> -c DataDestination -o <DDName> -n egForReplay,endpoint,endpointType  -v "<ISName>","wmq:/msg/queue/<ReplayQName>@<IIBQMgrName>","WMQDestination"

Database connection configuration

1. Create odbc connection in ODBC Data Source Administrator (Demo =  <DSN>)
2. Set security connection information
mqsisetdbparms <INName> -n <DSN> -u <DBUsr> -p <BDPwd>
3. Run script DataCaptureSchema.sql from db2 command line (non-administrator). This script are available under

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