
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Kafka vs AWS Kinesis

Apache KafkaAmazon Kinesis
Developed/Hosted ByLinkedInAmazon
SDK SupportAWS SDK supports Android, Java, Go, .NETKafka SDK supports Java
Configuration & FeaturesMore control on configuration and better performance.Number of days/shards can only be configured
Data Stored InKafka PartitionKinesis Shard
ReliabilityReplication factor can be configuredKinesis writes synchronously to 3 different machines/data-centers
PerformanceKafka winsKinesis writes each message synchronously to 3 different machines
Configuration StoreApache ZookeeperAmazon DynamoDB
SetupWeeksCouple Of hours
Data RetentionConfigurable7 days at max
Log CompactionSupportedOnly can store logs for 7 days
Processing EventsMore than 1000s of events/secAtmost 1000s of events/sec
CheckpointingOffsets stored in special topicDynamoDB
OrderingPartion levelShard level
Human CostsRequire human support for installing and managing their clusters, and also accounting for requirements such as high availability, durability, and recoveryKinesis is just about pay and use
Producer ThroughputKafka WinsKinesis is bit slower than Kafka
Incident Risk/MaintainenceMore In KafkaAmazon takes care
Ordered sequence of immutable data recordsKafka TopicKinesis Stream
Each record has a unique number calledOffset numberSequence number
ConceptsKafka StreamsKinesis Analytics

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